Profile - Zalte - Maratha Vadhu Var
ID - 20667
Hi I am Zalte my birth year is 1992 and currently I am living in Mumbai
Basic Details
Name | Zalte |
Created By | Parents |
Marital Status | Unmarried |
Body Type | Average |
Height | 5ft 4in |
Weight | 0 |
Handicapped | |
Diabetes | No |
Blood Pressure | No |
Complexion | Fair |
Diet | NA |
Blood Group | |
Drink | No |
Smoke | No |
Education / & Current Location
Education | B.Com |
Employed In | Private |
Annual Income | |
Occupation | Teacher |
Company Name | Hidden for Privacy |
Other Edu/Course | |
Current Country | India |
Current State | Maharashtra |
Current District | Mumbai |
Current City | Mumbai |
Religious / Social & Astro
Caste | Maratha |
Sub-Caste | |
Date Of Birth | 19 May 1992 |
Time Of Birth | 3.00 PM |
Place Of Birth | Nashik |
Mangal | No |
Devak | |
Gothra | |
Rashi | Dhanu (Sagittarious) |
Naadi | |
Nakshatra | |
Gan | Rakshas |
Family Details
Father Alive ? | Alive |
Father Occupation | |
Mother Alive ? | Alive |
Mother Occupation | School |
Brothers | 1 |
Brothers Married | Not Applicable |
Sisters | 1 |
Sisters Married | One married Sister |
Native Place | Mumbai |
Address | Hidden for Privacy |
Country | India |
State | Maharashtra |
District | Mumbai |
City | Mumbai |
Relatives and Property
Relatives | Devare Pawar Gaikwad Patil |
Property | |
Partner Expectations
Well Educated , Pune Mumbai .
Age | 0 to 0 |
Height | Does not Matter and above |
Maratha Vadhu Var Mumbai Maratha Matrimony